The customs and traditions of the Barony of Allyshia – Revised A.S. , C.E. 2007 Seelie Brianna Sutherland, Seneschal, Barony of Allyshia
The customs and traditions here written were first established during the era of Their Excellencies, Senkyu and Mary of Dumfries, the first Baron Palatine and the first Baroness Palatine of Allyshia. They were based upon the codex created during the reigns of their predecessors and the customs and traditions of the Barony of the Far West.
Being a compendium of the customs and traditions of the current middle ages as they are practiced in Their Occidental Majesties’ Palatine Barony of Allyshia, these customs and traditions establish the foundation upon which the SCA has been built in Allyshia. They support all our efforts to re-create the middle ages as they should have been, an era filled with grace, honor, nobility, and courage; devoid of the baseness which haunts mankind’s existence. These customs and traditions also serve as a binding force to unite the branches of Allyshia through a commonality of practice and belief.
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