Would you like to fill an open post or become a deputy? Attend the monthly business meeting or contact the Seneschal for more information on becoming an officer.
Baroness Þóra Rauðbjarnardóttir
Baron Drogo the Quiet
Arts & Sciences:
(at) (dot)
Viscountess Katelinen van Walravenshide
katelinen (at) westkingdom (dot) org
Lady Catriona MacRath
catriona (dot) macrath (at) westkingdom (dot) org
Lady Zbina Belogorskoia
woodruffat (at) gmail (dot) com
Lady Catriona MacRath
catriona (dot) macrath (at) westkingdom (dot) com
Gold Key:
Lady Morgan
(at) (dot)
Voice Herald:
Lord Reinold Haldane
bschwartzberg (at) yahoo (dot) com
Book Herald:
Lady Catriona MacRath
catriona (dot) macrath (at) westkingdom (dot) org
Heavy Marshal:
THL Donovan Ried
donovan (dot) ried (at) westkingdom (dot) org
Master Seamus McMurrough
rapier (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org
Mistress Kalista Kulinova
seneschal (dot) allyshia (at) yahoo (dot) com
Web Minister:
THL Donovan Ried
donovan (dot) ried (at) westkingdom (dot) org