Gold Key:
Thank you to Baroness Megan and Baroness Brigida for allowing me to be the Barony’s new Gold Key. I’d like to start collecting garb for new comers so if anyone has old garb that they are willing to donate to the Barony, please let me know. Also, if you have garb that you want to keep but are willing to loan out on occasion, please let me know and I’ll keep a list so I can contact you. I’ll also be working the information booth at the Excalibur festival at the end of the month and you can drop garb off there for the Barony’s closet.
Info Booth:
Considering Megan has her hands full making a new human being, Alewyn and I volunteered to head up an information booth at Excalibur at the end of this month. We plan to set up the baronial tent and have a table with some flyers and information. We only need part of the tent so the fighters can use the other half to sit and rehydrate and such. It can also be general hangout for any members who come by and want to sit. We’ll bring a cooler with water for general use and consumption.
We need:
Stuff – A&S stuff that we can display (trim, garb, whatever). Small items like trim will be tacked down on a cloth.
People – volunteers to man the info table as well as SCA’ers to hang out and make our presence known.
Barony Gold Key