Author's posts

11/16/2013 Rapier Practice is on but…

Rapier practice is on for Sunday, November 16th In McKinleyville, but there is a sick child in the house. Practice is still on. The child will be just fine, but you may catch a cold. Contact Baroness Nichole for more information or directions: rapier (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org

Fighter Practice Cancelled 10/22/13

We just found out Heavy Fighter Practice at the Palace tonight is cancelled. Please pass the word.

October 16th, 2013

Baronial Business Meeting Minutes October 16th 2013   Baron & Baroness Business – Exchequer Business – Seneschal Business – Constable Business – Arts & Sciences Business A&S project nights have resumed at Abe & Megan’s house, please check the website for additional details and cancellations. Herald Business Baron Reinold is stepping down as Court Herald …

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Fighter Practice Cancelled and other News

Heavy Fighter Practice for tonight is Cancelled. See you all next week. The next Meeting will be held on October 16th at 7:00PM at the Blue Lake Casino Hotel. The Harvest feast in Wuduholt be Secg will be on October 19th in Crescent City. The menu includes bear sausage, farmers cheese, pickled herring, stewed capon, …

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The Shire of Glyn Dwfn has Our Sheep!

The Shire of Glyn Dwfn have our sheep and have asked the Barony to come join them at their Tournament and Feast in order for them to be returned. Samhain  Saturday October 26th 2013 Enterprise Grange #489 8700 E East Evans Creek Road, Rogue River, OR 8:00AM to 9:00PM It is once again that time …

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Wuduholdt be Secg Harvest Feast – Reservations Greatly Appreciated!

Harvest Feast Wuduholt be Secg (Crescent City, CA) October 19, 2013 The Shire of Wuduholt be Secg has had a great harvest this year and we invite one and all to attend our Harvest Feast. Come revel with us in the heart of the majestic Redwoods and take part in a hunters banquet on Saturday, …

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September 11th, 2013

Baronial Business Meeting Minutes September 11th 2013 Baron & Baroness Business — Exchequer Business The gate and sign in sheets from the Pas were given to the Exchequer along with the funds and receipts from the spaghetti feed from Purgatorio. Seneschal Business Will be submitting dates to kingdom for Lupercallia, update to follow once a …

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Excalibur Faire Demo and other news

The annual Excalibur Medieval Tournament Demo is this weekend, Saturday, Sept. 28th from 10am to 6pm, and Sunday, Sept. 29th from 10am to 5pm. This demo is how we earn free use of the Purgatorio and Heron’s Pool site, so please attend. All demo participants get into the Faire for free. Bring your garb, your …

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Barony Business Meeting in Blue Lake

The next Barony Business Meeting will be 9/11/13 at 7pm. Baron Robert has reserved a meeting room at the Blue Lake Casino Hotel on the 4th floor. Want to help hold an event or apply to become an officer or deputy? This is the place for you! If you have business and cannot attend contact …

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Rapier Practice in McKinleyville

Baroness Nichole d’Audrieu is hosting rapier practice on Sunday, September 1st, from 10am to noon. Practice will be at their new house in McKinleyville. Contact Nichole for directions: rapier (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org