Author's posts
War Practice – Can you come?
Warriors of Allyshia! We need practice! War practice! Looking at the calendar, I can’t see any good weekends for war practice until the end of the month. Please sound off if you can attend a practice at the Pump Station #1 in Arcata on the weekend of the 28th-29th. Let me know if you prefer …
Meeting Cancellations, and other news
There will be no Arts & Sciences Meeting tonight (4/28/14) due to illness. Also, the Arts & Sciences Meeting on May 5th is cancelled due to Beltane Rapier practice will be cancelled 5/1, 5/11, 5/18, and 6/1/2014 due to conflicting events, etc. Heron’s Pool is on May 31st at the Mad River Grange in Blue …
Heron’s Pool will be in Blue Lake on May 31st
May 31st 2014 Heron’s Pool – Barony of Allyshia (Blue Lake, CA) Come and compete for the honor of being named a champion of the Baroness of Allyshia. Competitions will be held for Heavy Fighting, Rapier, and there will be an open A&S competition and display with the theme of anything 1000 c.e to antiquity. …
Upcoming Arts & Sciences Classes
Thank you to everyone who donated Arts & Sciences for taxes at March Crown. Once again the Barony’s amazing and diverse skills were highlighted as we helped make things a little easier for Their Majesties. For (most of) April, Lady Fuska will be teaching several embroidery techniques as well as ways to incorporate them to make simple garb …
March 5th, 2014
Baronial Business Meeting Minutes March 5th 2014 Baron & Baroness Business Their Excellencies are making a regalia list in order to track the items as they are passed down. Exchequer Business The Barony made a profit on Lupercalia. We voted on and will be transferring some money to savings. Seneschal Business – Constable Business …
Heavy Fighter practice tonight is cancelled
Tonight (March 18th, 2014) there will be no heavy fighter practice. Practice will resume next week.
Heavy Fighter Practice tonight is cancelled
Tonight (March 4th, 2014) there will be no heavy fighter practice. Practice will resume next week.
March 30th Rapier Practice moved to Redwood Park
The March 30th rapier practice will be held at Redwood Park in Arcata at the usual time of 10am to noon. The following week rapier practice will return to the normal location in McKinleyville. Please contact Nichole d’Audrieu for more information. Baroness Nichole d’Audrieu – rapier (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org
February 5th, 2014
Baronial Business Meeting Minutes February 5th 2014 Baron & Baroness Business – Exchequer Business Kingdom has given tentative pre-approval for Viscountess Seelie to hand the Exchequer position to Lady Frieda. Seneschal Business – Constable Business – Arts & Sciences Business Taxes for March Crown are upcoming. Robert has offered space in the Blue Lake …
Heavy Fighter Practice is Cancelled
The weekly Tuesday night Heavy Fighter Practice is cancelled on February 11th, as the practice location is unavailable. See you all next week.