Author's posts
Heron’s Pool Contests
From Baroness Megan: There will be 3 A &S contests at Heron’s Pool this year: 1. Baronial Heraldry Two winners will be chosen, one for its merit as an accurate portrayal of our Baronial heraldry, and one as the best artistic interpretation of the Allyshian Sea Lion. Entries must be scannable (i.e. 2D, not sculpture) …
Dancing and fighting and soup, oh my!
Lupercalia is almost here! The valiant contestants are studying and the feastocrat is preparing her aromatic concoctions. And for the rest of us? In addition to watching the gallant contestants vie for the honor of their dulcet consorts, there will be prize tourneys for both heavy fighting and rapier. At the request of Her Excellency …
N. Marches Arts & Sciences Event
Date/Time Date(s) – 05/15/2015 – 05/17/2015 Lords and Ladies of the West! We call upon thee to join us in the Northern Marches for a spectacular weekend full of arts and sciences activities. There will be a variety of classes, demonstrations, and lectures during the day on Saturday and Sunday morning such as: basic and …
Baronial Heraldry Contest
Calling the artists of Allyshia! A contest is announced! There is a need in our Barony for a high quality, high resolution, digital version of our heraldry for use in recruitment materials, web design, t-shirts, bumper stickers and miscellanea. Towards this end a contest is announced! The great and many artists of Allyshia are called …
Business Meeting 11/11/14 at Blue Lake Casino
The Barony Business Meeting will be on Tuesday, November 15th at the Blue Lake Casino Palace at 6pm, to be followed by heavy fighter practice. This meeting is open to all. We will primarily be discussing future events such as Yule and Lupercalia. Want to help hold an event or apply to become an officer …
11/4/14 Heavy Fighter Practice Cancelled
Tonight’s heavy fighter practice is cancelled, as we do not have access to the Palace at the Blue Lake Casino. See you all next week.
Thank you from Wuduholt be Secg
The Shire of Wuduholt be Secg would like to thank all who donated and bid in the silent auction at our Harvest Feast. The generosity of the Northern Marches of the West and the Summits of AnTir is great indeed! We really appreciate your support.
Meet & Greet Demo Sat. Oct. 25th
We invite one and all to come to meet new friends in the Barony of Allyshia and begin to learn about the Society for Creative Anachronism! Some of the offerings include woodworking, black smithing, crafting a medieval personal, basic courtly etiquette, costuming, spinning and weaving, medieval cookery, heavy combat, rapier and many others. After the …
Harvest Feast – Crescent City, CA
Harvest Feast – Crescent City, CA Date/Time Date(s) – 10/18/2014 12:00 am – 11:00 pm Location Lake Earl Grange Hall, 6820 Lake Earl Drive Fort Dick, CA 95538. The Shire of Wuduholt Be Secg has had a great harvest this year and we invite one and all to attend our Harvest Feast. Come revel with …
New Arts & Sciences Minister
Greetings Populace, I would like to announce our new A&S minister, Kenric O’Faolin! A& S classes will resume the first Monday in October at Wayland and Liesl’s house in Eureka- and there will be brewing! Please contact Kenric for more details/ directions: colin(dot)casper(at)gmail(dot)com Elsa Von Aurich, former A & S minister of Allyshia.