Author's posts

June 4th Arts & Sciences Cancelled

The Baroness wishes the populace to know that this week’s Arts & Sciences meeting will be cancelled.  See you all next week.

Open Officer Posts

There are several officers posts that are open.  For more information on the positions that are open and the requirements attend the next Business Meeting on June 13th, or contact the Seneschal >> seneschal (at) allyshia (dot) westkingdom (dot) org.

Permission to Electronically Publish Personal Information

Before any personal information can be published on this website this permission form must be completed and submitted to the webminister.  If the form is authorizing an email address to be published, then authorization must be emailed to the webminister, in addition to the completed form. Contact the webminister if you have any questions:  webminister …

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May 28th A&S Meeting Cancelled

The Baroness wishes the populace to know that this week’s Arts & Sciences meeting will be cancelled.  See you all next week.

Antler Tablet Weaving Pattern

(Updated 10/21/2013 to clarify threading method used.) I drafted this pattern for Baron Reinold Haldane to thank him for several woodworking projects he completed for me.  The pattern was inspired by his heraldry, which features golden stag horns.  Baron Reinold has graciously allowed me to share his pattern.  Thank you again, Bob! Examples of brocaded …

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Happy New Year!

With the coming of 1 May, we officially enter AS XLVII!