Baronial Business Meeting Minutes
February 5th 2014
Baron & Baroness Business
Exchequer Business
- Kingdom has given tentative pre-approval for Viscountess Seelie to hand the Exchequer position to Lady Frieda.
Seneschal Business
Constable Business
Arts & Sciences Business
- Taxes for March Crown are upcoming. Robert has offered space in the Blue Lake Casino Palace during fighter practices on Tuesday nights for those who wish to work on taxes. No weapons, blades, etc. are allowed at the Casino.
Herald Business
Marshall’s Business
- There are changes coming from Kingdom regarding Marshall statuses and qualifications. Details to follow once made official.
Web Minister
- The new calendar is live now and the galleries are back online. Please get your waivers in for permissions to be listed on the website or in photos.
Upcoming Events
- March Crown will be March 21st – 23rd in Red Bluff, CA.
- West Kingdom Towne Faire will be held April 18th – 20th in Tres Pinos.
- Beltane will be May 2nd – 4th, in Cloverdale, CA.
- Herons Pool will be held on May 24th, there will be Heavy Fighting, rapier, and A&S. Additional details to follow when available.
- Wuduholdt be Secg Games Day will be June 14th.
New Business
- The Baronial Trailer has been deemed scrap. It is currently inoperable, unregistered, and unsafe. Their Excellencies will be disposing of it in the near future.
- The next Meeting will be held on March 5th at 7:00PM at the Blue Lake Casino Hotel. Please ask at the front desk for floor and room location.